Dare to Be Human
In our uncertain, unscripted world how do we Dare to be Human? How can we become more aware of how we show up in our lives moment to moment? How can we expand our range of options? Hosts Kat and Livia will explore human identity, performance, and connection in each episode through the lenses of applied improv, storytelling, psychology, and more!
58 episodes
So Glad You're Here! with Chris Esparza
Meet Koppett's new VP of Leadership and Culture, Chris Esparza. Chris shares his dare to be human story on transition and the humanity of change and we discuss yes, and-ing with joy, the multidimensional power of play, and seeing the opportunit...
Episode 58

Start by Noticing with Kathleen McLean
Educator, social worker, writer, and President/CEO of the McLean Group, Kathleen McLean, joins us to discuss the power of noticing and asking “why” in the context of equity, power, and purpose. Kathleen’s work has been recognized as one o...
Episode 57

Joyful Chaos with Teresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure
We welcome back Theresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure to discuss their new book The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Theresa and Caitlin share their dare to be human stories on risk, safe...
Season 3
Episode 56

Splashing in a Teaspoon with Patti Stiles
World-renowned actor, teacher, improviser, director, author, and playwright Patti Stiles joins us to talk about her new book Improvise Freely: Throw Away the Rulebook and Unleash Your Creativity. Patti shares her dare to be human story...
Episode 55

Becoming Unlonely with Jeff Katzman M.D. and Dan O'Connor
Authors of Life Unscripted: Using Improv Principles to Get Unstuck, Boost Confidence, and Transform Your Life and DTBH veterans, Jeff Katzman M.D. and Dan O'Connor join us to discuss their new book Ensemble!: Using the Power of Imp...
Season 3
Episode 54

But One Day, We Taught All Our Children Theatre...with Kenn Adams
What do two classic improv performance games (Sit, Stand, Kneel and Family Dinner) and the world-famous Story Spine have in common? Kenn Adams! Our guest this week is the Artistic Director of Synergy Theater, the author of the book
Episode 53

Seeing What You Saw for the First Time: Corey Rosen on choices, resiliency, and POV
Corey Rosen, author of Your Story, Well Told joins Kat and Livia. As much of the USA transitions out of pandemic mode, life becomes all about adap...
Episode 52

What is Positive Psychology Anyway? with Shannon Polly
If the words "positive psychology" make you think of a mashup of canned affirmations and shallow optimism, you aren't alone. But in this episode, Shannon Polly, coach, theatre person, trainer, f...
Episode 51

50th Episode! Timey-Wimey; Spacey-Wacey: Michael Burns and Mopco's 25th Anniversary
Michael Burns is Kat's husband and the Artistic Director of our improvisational theatre company, The Mop & Bucket Co (mopco.org). Michael joins Kat and Livia to celebrate our 50th episode AND the 25th anniver...

Improv Nerdology with Joe Bill
Self-described improv nerd (and renowned improv performer and teacher) Joe Bill talks shop with Kat and Livia. Be forewarned, there's a fair amount of inside baseball in this one--if you aren't an improviser you may scratch your head at...
Episode 49

Make Another Damn Pie! Dr. Cara Ocobock
Can you find a living point of connection between powerlifting, Laplandic reindeer herding, biology and anthropology, damaging gender stereotypes in the sports world, and improv? We can! Her name is Cara Ocobock. Dr. Ocobock is the Direct...
Episode 48

How Much is Too Much? Tom Floyd on Transparency, Feedback and Sushi
Tom Floyd's company, Flouracity, creates " space for managers, leaders and other mammals to grow." He comes to this venture after years inside a number of large and wildly successful companies, the m...

Just When You Think You Know Yourself: A conversation with Dr. Charles Silberstein
Charles Silberstein is an esteemed psychiatrist, author, researcher, and fascinating, tireless observer of humanity, his own and others’. He also happens to be Kat's cousin! In this conversation, Charles and Kat discuss awakening to the...

The Maybe Farmer in the Pandemic World: A conversation with Pam Victor
Our friend Pam Victor, a teacher, writer, entrepreneur (and of course, improvisor) talks with Kat and Livia about her 30 Day Happiness Experiment- and lots of other things. This far-ranging conversation touches on unexpected resu...

Molecules and Meanings: Different Rules Apply. Paul Z. Jackson
Paul Z. Jackson, a founder of the Applied Improv Network, is a journalist, a philosopher, and of course an improviser who came to improv from the from the "offstage world." Paul joins Kat and Livia to unpack some ongoing conversations. Am...

Kevin Eikenberry: Leadership Made Simple
"Thoughts can be fuzzy; words are clear." Some welcome clarity on the qualities of effective leadership with our friend Kevin Eikenberry, a noted expert and innovator in the field of leadership.

Jeanne Lambin and the Ordinary Extraordinary
On Nov. 4th, Kat and Livia, no doubt sleep deprived but happy, had a fascinating conversation with Jeanne Lambin, a creator of many experiences for all kinds of folks. A quiet conversation containing some quiet revelations.

Old Dogs, New Learning
Kat and Livia discuss, among other things, learning, play, and the mistaken use of shame in education. WIth a brief cameo appearance by Riggie, Cinnamon, and Chester, the dogs (of varying ages.)

Jeff Mitchell and Kat Koppett facilitate each other!
Kat talks about facilitation with Jeff Mitchell, President of Proteus International. Proteus and Koppett partner on a number of projects, including a series of programs to develop, coach and measure Facilitation Excellence.Through this ...

Morgan Heyward Returns: Shining Brighter than Ever
Morgan Heyward of Illuminate Theatre returns to update us on her work, her thoughts on the state of the arts at this moment in our national consciousness, and some exciting new opportunities she has coming up. Check out our first DTBH follow-up...

The Actor's Nightmare
Broadway performer Adam Grupper recounts the tale of his real-life actor's nightmare, which happened to take place on the night of his Broadway debut in a starring role. In this conversation Adam and Kat talk about dedication, process over prod...
Season 2
Episode 31

This New Performance with Kristen van Ginhoven
WAM Theatre is a professional theatre company based in Berkshire County, MA, USA, that operates at the intersection of arts and activism. WAM creates theatre for gender equity and has a vision of theatre as philanthropy. The founding artistic d...

Where Do You Store Your Power? with Dion Flynn
Our first-ever repeat guest, Renaissance man DIon Flynn talks about Grandma's purse, knowing everything will be OK, and the perception of our own personal power in a complicated time. Join us as we traverse the Escher-like corridors of a wonder...

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are: Improv in a Time of Crisis
Kat and Alex discuss improvising in a time of crisis. If we weren't on the mark about us all improvising all the time, we certainly are now. Cancellations. New rules and guidelines. The ways things were can't be, so how do we keep moving? We di...
Season 2
Episode 23

"Hollow Manners" - A DTBH Story with Kat and Alex
Kat and Alex discuss a Dare to Be Human Story Alex shares about bumping into someone at a concert. They discuss awareness, our internal stories, the differences that emerge in "shared" experiences, and how first reactions can be the wrong ones....
Season 2
Episode 22