Dare to Be Human
In our uncertain, unscripted world how do we Dare to be Human? How can we become more aware of how we show up in our lives moment to moment? How can we expand our range of options? Hosts Kat and Livia will explore human identity, performance, and connection in each episode through the lenses of applied improv, storytelling, psychology, and more!
Dare to Be Human
Improv Nerdology with Joe Bill
Episode 49
Self-described improv nerd (and renowned improv performer and teacher) Joe Bill talks shop with Kat and Livia.
Be forewarned, there's a fair amount of inside baseball in this one--if you aren't an improviser you may scratch your head at some of the references to names or exercises, but these few improv-specific moments keep company with an abundance of stories, revelations, laughter, and a celebration of tears. An hour solidly packed with insight about our favorite topic: daring to be human.
You can learn more about Joe on facebook at his page Joe Bill teaches