Dare to Be Human
Dare to Be Human
Make Another Damn Pie! Dr. Cara Ocobock
Can you find a living point of connection between powerlifting, Laplandic reindeer herding, biology and anthropology, damaging gender stereotypes in the sports world, and improv? We can! Her name is Cara Ocobock. Dr. Ocobock is the Director of the Human Energetics Laboratory at Notre Dame University. Her research program integrates human biology and anthropology.
In this episode, Cara, Kat, and Livia weigh in on some hefty topics, including toxic masculinity and damaging fictions about gender, particularly as they impact the sports world. We also hear about her research (with help from our colleagues at The Mopco Improv Theatre) into the positive effects of improv on stress and resilience.
As an academic and scientist, Cara has no patience for a narrow, scarcity mentality that builds barriers—instead of protecting one’s piece of the pie, she suggests: make another one! We concur. If you are a fan of sports, of improv, of intellectual rigor and openness, or simply enjoy excellent conversation, you are sure to get a lot out of this episode!
Cara's podcast: Sausage of Science
Cara's article in Sapiens: Sweating Through a Gym's Gender Barriers